We would like to wish Mr. Brian & Rhonda Cohena hearty Mazel Tov on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Talia. We welcome the newest member of Jewish adulthood with open arms.
Community Corner
Condolences to Mrs. Robyn Pogrob & Family
The whole congregation extends their condolences to Mrs. Robyn Pogrob and her extended family on the loss of her dear father.
May they be comforted amongst the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem and be blessed with strength to go further.
Mazel Tov Levi Teldon
Mazel Tov Zalmy & Chana Teldon
Mazel Tov to Zalmy & Chana, Directors of The Friendship Circle, on the birth of their daugther Chava. May they always share happy occasions with the whole community.
Bar Mitzvah of Aaron Fried
Bat Mitzvah of Arielle Negrin
We would like towish Mr. Burt and Stefani Negrin a hearty Mazel Tov on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Arielle. We welcome the newest member of Jewish adulthood with open arms.
Mazel Tov Ms. Bayla Lax
The whole Chabad community would like to wish our Hebrew School principal, Ms. Bayla Lax a hearty Mazel Tov on her engagement to Rabbi Yarden Bloomstein of Far Rockaway, NY. May you build an everlasting home on the foundations of Torah and Mitzvot!
Condolences to Mr. Andrew Glick
The whole congregation extends their condolences to Mr. Andrew Glick and his extended family on the loss of his mother Florence Glick.
May they be comforted amongst the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem and be blessed with strength to go further.
Donations can be made to The Friendship Circle in her memory.
Bar Mitzvah of Paul Byrne
We would like to wish Paul, his parents Robert and Laurie and older brother Michael, a Mazel Tov on the celebration of him becoming a Bar Mitzvah!
May you be a source of Nachas to your family and community.