

Friday, 3 February, 2012 - 1:55 pm

Naomi is about to leave her house to meet her three friends for their regular monthly get together. But as she bends down to pick up the last of the toys left on the floor by her four children, her back gives way. She’s in great pain, so she phones her friends and tells them that she won’t be able to go out with them that afternoon. Later that day, her three friends come to her house to commiserate.
"Oy Naomi," says Talia, "it’s such a shame you being laid up like this."
"Yes," says Fay, "it’s terrible. The pain you must be experiencing. Such tsouris you’ve got."
"I know what we can do," says Judith. "We’ll all pray for you every day until you get back on your feet."
As Talia and Fay are nodding their heads in agreement, Naomi says, "Better you three should come here every day and help out with the housework. Praying I can do by myself."



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